Friday, September 28, 2012

Day two Continued..

Day Two:


I know that usually in the morning I'm all in high spirits, but usually as the day continues, there is one thing or another that makes my anxiety level sore! I goes from my drive to school, to my grades in school. 99.9% of the time my grades in school are for the most part above average. And it doesn't matter the situation or whats going on, if I cant grasp something on the first time, I have a million thoughts running through my head on how horrible I'm doing in school, and usually that doesn't work for me.
But on a lighter note, this is probably the first time in months that I've come home and just sat down without any regrets or negative feelings, but only happy thoughts! So that's a win-win  for me! A lot of the times I come home and worry about whats going to happen that night, or where my next tank of gas is coming from, or how i'm supposed to have something complete and its not yet done.. Coincidentally enough, for the most part, I'm ahead of schedule, and for me to be ahead of schedule that says a lot, and makes me very happy. So I'm in extremely high spirits that my day stays this positive. Off to my 3rd interview for Chick-Fil-A on 92!! Getting this job would put the icing on the cake!

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